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The Unseen Battle


spiritual warfare resources
spiritual warfare resources
spiritual warfare resources

Are you a victim of spiritual warfare? Don’t be fooled. If your life seems perfect without worries or struggles, and you have access to everything your heart desires, then this message is definitely for you. If you are struggling in any area of your life, especially with finances, marriage, ADHD, autism, bullying, mental health conditions, chronic sickness, depression, work-related issues, stress, alcohol, drug addiction, and more, please continue to read.

So what does spiritual warfare have to do with you? It's significant because many times we go through difficulties in life thinking it is just random, but what if it's not? The enemy is always lurking around waiting to strike and cause chaos and confusion in our lives. I'm a survivor of spiritual warfare which is a weight-bearing stronghold. God used me during my journey as evidence to make it known that He is real and He fought my battles for me. I want you to know how to survive as well. Don't be a victim of your circumstance, allowing your struggles to hold you back from the purpose that God has for you. Fight back and take control by living on purpose to reach the destiny that God has for you. 


If you would like more information on spiritual warfare and how to conquer it, print or download the following information. 

Spiritual warfare is a beast that's taking over the lives of many people in the world. Help others by sharing this information so they too can be lifted from this stronghold. 

In a world filled with darkness...


Spiritual Warfare


 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world."
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,
but will have the light of life.

John 8:12

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